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Pronunciación en inglés de sat


Ejemplos tomados de películas con Sat

The moment I sat down, I thought I was looking into a mirror.
Twins - Not Identical Twins
And so there it sat, growing more foul and powerful by the day.
Diary of a Wimpy Kid - The Cheese Touch
Hello. This is a coincidence. Would you mind if I sat down?
You've Got Mail - Very First Zinger
And it's because they sat there that they were able to do it.
Up in the Air - Video Chat Firing
You mean he sat up there three or four days?
Tremors - Edgar on the Tower
He sat up there and just died of thirst?
Tremors - Edgar on the Tower
Now, I've sat in your schools and heard people lecture on transference
Patch Adams - You Treat a Person
Yes. Every Thursday he thinks she's doing sat prep.
Mean Girls - Such a Good Friend
While I sat there watching you, I gave some thought to stealing a kiss,
True Grit - I'm a Texas Ranger
You sat down in the basement all night...
Money Monster - You're Not a Man
And we sat down in the grass by the Eiffel Tower.
Mamma Mia! - Our Last Summer
<i>and there's this couple sat at the table next to me...</i>
Us and Them - Danny's Plan
We sat and drank with the sun on our shoulders, and felt like free men.
The Shawshank Redemption - Tax Advice Scene
Nobody has ever just sat down...
Stir Crazy - Getting Chow

Pronunciación de Sat

Pronunciación americana

Sat pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Sat pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Sat pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Sat pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Sat pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Sat pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Sat pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Sat pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Sat pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Sat pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Sat pronunciado por Brian (hombre)