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Pronunciación en inglés de soon

  • luego
  • dentro de poco
  • temprano

Ejemplos tomados de películas con Soon

Well, if he's not stopped soon, every indication is he will kill again.
The Voices - A Stone-Cold Murdering Maniac
Mr. Hickam, report to my office as soon as we return to school.
October Sky - Homer Proves His Innocence
Could you send somebody up as soon as you can, please?
The Brothers Grimsby - It's Enourmous
Oh, well, we can soon deal with that.
Absolutely Anything - Biscuits
Soon as I did it, I felt horrible.
Zathura - Wishing Star
and soon I couldn't even recognize their faces.
Uptown Girls - Molly Opens Up
I'll be back soon. It is very boring out there.
Short Circuit 2 - Manic Robot
Death comes, that's it. Soon it's as if we never existed.
Anomalisa - There's Something Wrong With Me
Hey, don't be stupid, okay? Now, I'll pay you back as soon as my advance comes in.
Death at a Funeral - Aaron's Eulogy
Thank you so much. We'll see you soon.
Ocean's 8 - Con Artistry

Pronunciación de Soon

Pronunciación americana

Soon pronunciado por Ivy (niño, chica)
Soon pronunciado por Joanna (mujer)
Soon pronunciado por Kendra (mujer)
Soon pronunciado por Kimberly (mujer)
Soon pronunciado por Salli (mujer)
Soon pronunciado por Joey (hombre)
Soon pronunciado por Justin (niño, chico)
Soon pronunciado por Matthew (hombre)

Pronunciación británica

Soon pronunciado por Amy (mujer)
Soon pronunciado por Emma (mujer)
Soon pronunciado por Brian (hombre)

Palabras similars a Soon