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Tanulás elkezdése
Sin, my bro.
Would you cut the "my brother" shit.
You're insulting my mother.
I'm not in business with Chili Palmer.
I'm the one trying to get him out.
That piece of shit stole my act.
Son of a bitch.
You set me up.
Who the hell are you?
I give you ticket
and you tell me Chili Palmer
come to my store and I kill him.
But, nyet.
No Chili come.
Yo, Tolstoy.
Take a number.
The cops come with ticket.
What cops?
Excuse me, Vladimir.
I don't know how
they do it in the Ukraine,
but, I believe I was here first.
Be cool, nigger.
Look, you don't understand.
This is how Chili Palmer operates.
It's like a game between us.
He knows I tried to set him up.
So, he did it right back to me.
Then game is over.
No more setups.
No more...
nigger cops.
Have you lost your mind?
I mean, how is it that you can
disrespect a man's ethnicity?
When you know we've influenced
nearly every facet of white America?
From our music to our style of dress,
not to mention your basic imitation
of our sense of cool.
Walk, talk, dress, mannerisms.
We enrich your very existence,
all the while contributing
to the gross national product
through our achievements
in corporate America.
It's these conceits that comfort me
when I'm faced with the ignorant,
cowardly, bitter and bigoted,
who have no talent, no guts,
people like you who desecrate
things they don't understand
when the truth is you should say
"Thank you, man"
and go on about your way.
But, apparently you're
incapable of doing that.
- Dabu.
- My bad, dawg.
And don't tell me to be cool.
I am cool!
Racial epithets.
Why does it always
come down to that?
Makes me sad for my daughter.
would - lenne
while - míg
understand - megért
trying - megpróbálja
tried - megpróbálta
these - ezek
thank - köszönet
talent - tehetség
style - stílus
store - bolt
sense - érzék
right - jobb
racial - faji
piece - darab
things - dolgok
people - emberek
operates - működik
nigger - néger
nearly - közel
ukraine - ukrajna
desecrate - meggyaláz
tolstoy - tolsztoj
doing - csinál
daughter - lánya
ticket - jegy
excuse - mentség
contributing - hozzájáruló
always - mindig
makes - gyártmányú
national - nemzeti
cowardly - gyáván
basic - alapvető
setups - beállítások
business - üzleti
number - szám
disrespect - tiszteletlenség
insulting - sértő
product - termék
brother - fiú testvér
bitter - keserű
white - fehér
achievements - eredmények
ethnicity - etnikai
corporate - társasági
existence - létezés
truth - igazság
america - Amerika
about - ról ről
enrich - gazdagítják
between - között
vladimir - vladimir
stole - stóla
believe - hinni
bigoted - bigott
conceits - önteltségtől
apparently - látszólag
bitch - kurva
palmer - zarándok
dress - ruha
every - minden
faced - szembe
first - első
through - keresztül
chili - chili
epithets - jelzőket
gross - bruttó
imitation - utánzás
ignorant - tudatlan
facet - csiszolt felület
incapable - alkalmatlan
should - kellene
comfort - kényelem
music - zene
knows - tudja
mannerisms - modorát
influenced - befolyásolható
mention - említés
mother - anya
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