Tanulj igazi angolt filmekből és könyvekből!
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A csúszka segítségével szerkesztheti a videoklip kezdetét és végét
Kattintson a gyakorlatok ikonjára, amelyekhez hozzá kívánja adni a kifejezést további tanulmányok céljából
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Kattints a "plus"-ra, hogy hozzáadj egy szót/mondatot a tanulandókhoz!
Tanulás elkezdése
Phil? Hey, Phil?
Phil? Phil Connors! Phil
Connors, I thought that was you!
Hi, how you doing?
Thanks for watching.
Hey, hey Now, don't you tell
me you don't remember me,
because I sure as
heckfire remember you.
Not a Chance.
Needlenose Ned. Ned the Head.
Come on, buddy.
Case Western High!
Ned Ryerson
I did the whistling-belly button
trick at the high school talent show.
Bing! Ned Ryerson, got
the shingles real bad senior year.
Almost didn't graduate.
Bing again!
Ned Ryerson, I dated
your sister, Mary Pat a couple times
till you told me not to anymore.
- Ned Ryerson?
- Bing!
So did you turn pro with that
bellybutton thing, Ned, or...?
No, Phil. I sell insurance.
What a shock.
Do you have life insurance?
Because if you do, you could
always use a little more.
Am I right or am I right or am
I right? Right? Right? Right?
Ned, I would love to stand here
and talk with you.
But I'm not going to. See you.
Hey, that's all right!
I'll walk with you.
You know, whenever I see an opportunity
now, I charge it like a bull.
Ned the Bull, that's me now.
You know, I got friends of mine who
live and die by the actuarial tables.
And I say, hey, it's all
one big crapshoot anyhoo.
Tell me, have you ever heard
of single-premium life?
Because I think that really could
be the ticket for you. Oh, God!
It is so good to see you!
What are you doing for dinner?
Something else.
It's been great seeing you,
Needlehead. Take care.
Watch out for that
first step. It's a doozy!
would - lenne
watching - nézni
times - alkalommal
think - gondol
thing - dolog
talent - tehetség
tables - asztalok
stand - állvány
because - mert
school - iskola
doing - csinál
dinner - vacsora
charge - díj
great - nagy
whenever - bármikor
dated - keltezett
thanks - kösz
friends - barátok
premium - prémium
chance - véletlen
actuarial - biztosításmatematikai
heckfire - heckfire
seeing - látás
first - első
really - igazán
almost - majdnem
couple - párosít
remember - emlékezik
insurance - biztosítás
could - tudott
little - kicsit
trick - trükk
always - mindig
needlenose - csőrös
shingles - övsömör
connors - Connors
buddy - haver
doozy - doozy
belly - has
crapshoot - crapshoot
western - nyugati
graduate - érettségizni
again - újra
button - gomb
ticket - jegy
anyhoo - anyhoo
bellybutton - köldök
going - haladó
heard - hallott
whistling - fütyülő
thought - gondolat
needlehead - needlehead
opportunity - lehetőség
ryerson - ryerson
right - jobb
senior - idősebb ember
watch - néz
anymore - többé
something - valami
shock - sokk
single - egyetlen
sister - lánytestvér
Kattints egy szóra vagy jelölj ki egy mondatot, hogy lásd a fordítást.
Kattints a "plus"-ra, hogy hozzáadj egy szót/mondatot a tanulandókhoz!
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