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Tanulás elkezdése
I stand here right now as a changed,
humble man.
I've been in the prison correctional system
for five years now, and...
...that is exactly what I am, corrected.
I just wanted you to give me a chance.
I won't let you down.
Thank you for your time.
- Mr. Chairman, if I could have just a moment?
- Go ahead.
You see, I did my homework on this man.
And I can tell you with confidence
that he's actually quite a good liar.
That fight that got out of hand,
that was actually
Mr. Evans flying into a murderous rage
because of how the victim
was looking at his girlfriend.
And as a younger man,
there were other acts of violence,
frequently involving
the attentions of a woman.
Mr. Evans fits the criteria
of a malignant narcissist.
Charming, highly intelligent,
as you've witnessed,
but malignant narcissists
are compelled to prove their superiority.
Everything's a seduction,
and if they're rejected, or things
don't go their way, they lose control.
Some other more well-known
malignant narcissists were...
Jeffrey Dahmer, John Wayne Gacy...
- Now, hold on. No. Sir. Sir.
- Mr. Evans, please, just sit down.
Please, sit down, Mr. Evans.
I can tell you
there's violence in this man.
And his control over himself is slender.
I'll let my fellow board members
make up their own minds, but...
there are five families outside,
who are hoping and praying
that we do not set Colin Evans free.
Mr. Evans, as I'm sure you're aware,
to be granted parole in the state of
Tennessee, it must be a unanimous vote.
We'll take this up again in five years,
as mandated.
Ladies and gentlemen, that convenes the
state of Tennessee parole hearing for today.
Madame Secretary,
you can turn off your recording devices.
Ladies and gentlemen,
you are free to go at this time.
years - évek
witnessed - tanúja
wayne - Wayne
wanted - kívánatos
violence - erőszak
victim - áldozat
today - ma
things - dolgok
there - ott
thank - köszönet
tennessee - tennessee
system - rendszer
state - állapot
seduction - csábítás
secretary - titkár
rehabilitated - rehabilitált
prove - bizonyít
prison - börtön
praying - imádkozás
please - kérem
outside - kívül
narcissists - narcissists
narcissist - önimádó
minds - elmék
slender - karcsú
evans - Evans
superiority - fölény
moment - pillanat
criteria - kritériumok
madame - asszonyom
could - tudott
humble - alázatos
members - tagjai
corrected - korrigált
fellow - fickó
compelled - kénytelen
colin - colin
correctional - bűnügyi
charming - bájos
control - ellenőrzés
attentions - figyelme
aware - tudatában van
because - mert
quite - egészen
chance - véletlen
devices - készülékek
ahead - előre
malignant - gonosz
convenes - összehívja
board - tábla
murderous - gyilkos
exactly - pontosan
parole - becsületszó
other - más
dahmer - Dahmer
chairman - elnök
confidence - bizalom
mandated - megbízott
again - újra
families - családok
changed - megváltozott
stand - állvány
rejected - elutasított
fight - harc
flying - repülő
actually - tulajdonképpen
frequently - gyakran
right - jobb
recording - felvétel
girlfriend - barátnő
involving - érintő
unanimous - egyhangú
gentlemen - urak
hearing - meghallgatás
highly - magasan
granted - megadott
looking - keres
younger - fiatalabb
himself - saját maga
homework - házi feladat
hoping - remélve
intelligent - intelligens
woman - nő
jeffrey - Jeffrey
their - azok
known - ismert
ladies - hölgyek
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