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Tanulás elkezdése
I'm sorry?
What was that again?
- I'm a god.
- You're God?
I'm a god. I'm not the god,
I don't think.
Because you survived a car wreck?
You folks ready to order?
I didn't just survive a wreck.
I wasn't just blown up yesterday.
I have been stabbed,
shot, poisoned...
...frozen, hung, electrocuted
and burned.
Oh, really.
Every morning I wake up without a
scratch on me, not a dent in the fender.
I am an immortal.
Special today is blueberry waffles.
Why are you telling me this?
Because I want you to believe in me.
You are not a god.
You can take my word for it.
This is 12 years of Catholic
school talking.
I can come back if you're not ready.
How do you know I'm not a god?
Oh, please.
- How do you know?
- Because it's not possible.
I'll come back.
This is Doris.
Her brother-in-law Carl owns this diner.
She's worked here
since she was 17.
More that anything else in her
life she wants to see Paris...
...before she dies.
Boy, would I!
- What are you doing?
- This is Debbie Kleiser and her fiance, Fred.
Do I know you?
They're supposed to be
getting married this afternoon
but Debbie is
having second thoughts.
Lovely ring.
This is Bill.
He's been a waiter
for three years, since he left
Penn State and had to get work.
He likes the town, he paints
toy soldiers and he's gay.
I am.
This is Gus. He hates his life here,
he wishes he'd stayed in the Navy.
Well, I could've retired
on half pay after 20 years.
Excuse me.
Is this some kind of trick?
Well, maybe the real God
uses tricks.
You know, maybe he's not omnipotent, he's
just been around so long he knows everything.
Oh, okay. Well, who's that?
This is Tom. He worked in the coal
mine till they closed it down.
- And her?
- It's Alice.
Came from Ireland when she was a baby.
She lived in Erie most of her life.
He's right.
- And her?
- Nancy.
works in the dress
and makes noises like a chipmunk when
she gets real excited.
- It's true.
- How do you know these people?
I told you, I know everything.
In about five seconds, a waiter's
gonna drop a tray of dishes.
Five, four, three, two, one.
- Okay?
- Okay, that's enough.
wreck - roncs
waffles - gofri
tricks - trükkök
trick - trükk
three - három
thoughts - gondolatok
these - ezek
telling - sokatmondó
survived - túlélte
survive - túlélni
stayed - tartózkodott
state - állapot
would - lenne
stabbed - leszúrt
sorry - sajnálom
soldiers - katonák
since - mivel
scratch - karcolás
school - iskola
right - jobb
retired - nyugdíjas
really - igazán
wishes - kívánságait
special - különleges
poisoned - mérgezett
works - művek
seconds - másodperc
please - kérem
people - emberek
paris - párizs
order - sorrend
noises - zajok
supposed - feltételezett
nancy - nancy
morning - reggel
paints - festékek
maybe - talán
excuse - mentség
debbie - Debbie
folks - emberek
brother - fiú testvér
closed - zárva
gonna - fog
blueberry - áfonya
enough - elég
worked - dolgozott
after - után
years - évek
around - körül
waiter - pincér
again - újra
ireland - Írország
dishes - edények
without - nélkül
wants - akar
think - gondol
afternoon - délután
yesterday - tegnap
alice - Alice
talking - beszél
about - ról ről
blown - kifulladt
anything - bármi
doris - Doris
diner - étkező
having - amelynek
ready - kész
dress - ruha
burned - égett
before - előtt
doing - csinál
believe - hinni
immortal - halhatatlan
every - minden
because - mert
everything - minden
fiance - vőlegény
fender - lökhárító
excited - izgatott
frozen - fagyott
today - ma
second - második
electrocuted - áramütést
getting - szerzés
hates - hates
lovely - bájos
kleiser - kleiser
possible - lehetséges
knows - tudja
lived - élt
likes - kedvel
makes - gyártmányú
omnipotent - mindenható
chipmunk - észak-amerikai mókus
catholic - katolikus
married - házas
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