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Tanulás elkezdése
Richie, Richie, Richie, Richie...
Please, allow me to express my heartfelt
sympathies over your loss.
We all loved your mother and father
very much.
My parents are alive.
I pray nightly that they are.
Richie, I just want to let
you know that we're doing everything we can
to coordinate the search effort.
Please, have a seat.
So, Richie, what have
you come to see me about?
Well, until my
parents come back...
...l've taken a...
Sabbatical, sir.
I've taken a sabbatical from school.
You know, so I can be here
and run things.
Run things.
Richie, the job of senior officer...
...of a mul-...
..tinational corporation...
...it's very demanding business.
Hours go, well just, way past
your bedtime.
So I think that it's best
to leave this job to...
...to adult who has experience
in these matters. Okay?
I don't think so.
By the way, Cadbury,
how much stock do I own?
Until your parents are found, sir,
as the sole heir...
...you own 51 percent of the voting stock.
Yes, but you're not of legal age
to exercise your voting rights.
But I am, sir.
And under the terms of the Rich estate,
I stand in loco parentis
...and Guardian ad Litem
to Master Richie.
And accordingly, I give him full
proxy power and authority.
And by the way, United Tool stays open.
Round one to you, sir.
until - amíg
under - alatt
tinational - nacionális
think - gondol
voting - szavazás
these - ezek
terms - feltételek
sympathies - szimpátiája
stock - készlet
stays - tartózkodás
taken - tett
found - talál
father - apa
experience - tapasztalat
senior - idősebb ember
corporation - vállalat
bedtime - lefekvés ideje
legal - jogi
parentis - Parentis
richie - rüchi
adult - felnőtt
everything - minden
estate - birtok
demanding - igényes
authority - hatóság
stand - állvány
percent - százalék
alive - élő
guardian - gyám
about - ról ről
litem - kézbesítési meghatalmazottat
things - dolgok
sabbatical - szombattal kapcsolatos
allow - lehetővé teszi
express - expressz
proxy - meghatalmazott
coordinate - koordináta
round - kerek
exercise - gyakorlat
cadbury -
heartfelt - őszinte
hours - órák
accordingly - eszerint
doing - csinál
parents - szülők
matters - ügyek
leave - szabadság
power - erő
school - iskola
loved - szeretett
business - üzleti
master - fő-
mother - anya
united - egyesült
please - kérem
nightly - éjszakai
effort - erőfeszítés
officer - tiszt
rights - jogok
search - keresés
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