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Tanulás elkezdése
You let yourself in again, huh?
I didn't expect you to be here.
I figured you'd be tiptoeing
around her place.
Well, first of all, I live here, not you,
and second, she has this five-date rule
before I get invited up.
Can you believe that?
I'm the Negro Gigolo, the original Nigolo.
Five dates? What, is she some type
of Farrakhan Muslim or something?
She's a diva.
She literally refuses to walk through
a door unless I open it for her.
Gail used to do that.
Gail used to get on my nerves with that.
"Get the door for me. How am I walk in
and you ain't open the door?"
"My hands hurt.
You better open that goddamn door!"
- That's why I'm gonna end it right now.
- Yeah, you need to.
'Cause you don't need her.
You got me, and what we got is special.
Open her door.
It's 2012. Come around and open my door.
I don't know, Sonia,
I just felt like a different woman.
I felt so in control and strong...
What about him?
Well, I think...
It's him.
"Are you available for dinner
tomorrow night?"
Well, are you?
Well, I do believe that I am.
But I do not go out with guys
who ask me via text.
She trippin'.
You know, Gail always
suggested them egg whites.
she said they
was better for you.
Hey, can you put a shirt on
while you cooking, man?
Look at these hours.
What you come here glowing
for like you're pregnant?
My boys.
Hey, you got some. Oh!
On the first date?
- Homie scored.
- Yeah, I did.
And I'm totally screwed.
We never once talked about my job.
- You really like him.
- I really do.
I don't even know how much he makes.
And you know what? I don't care!
I believe in his dreams.
She thinks I'm a chef on the rise.
With a cold-ass Benz.
And a sexy limo driver.
I looked good last night,
I had the hat cocked to the side.
Guys, she's going to run
when I tell her the truth.
Whatever you do,
you don't tell her the truth.
- Thank you.
- You delay.
Hell, I wouldn't tell her
until she was in her third trimester.
- Yeah, I can't do that.
- Dom, I know you.
Okay? And you're trying to grow
a conscience here. Trust me on this one.
Honesty is overrated, man.
Hey, that's in the Bible. Old Testament.
I just don't want a
relationship based on lies.
That's called marriage.
Dom, you don't fool me. I know what
this is about. This is about sex.
You didn't do what you were
supposed to do in the bedroom.
That's why you walk through here
with your shoulders all slouched
your self-esteem all low.
It's true. When you don't smash right,
the insecurities come out on you.
You know what he did?
He gave it a LD.
Lazy Doodle. That's
exactly what he did.
Right. You gotta, you gotta put it
down like the right enforcement.
I can't do this no more. I'm done.
I'm done with this.
Like, dude, put a shirt on.
It's us!
There's no one else
here, just us!
woman - nő
while - míg
whatever - tök mindegy
totally - teljesen
tiptoeing - lábujjhegyen
third - harmadik
thank - köszönet
testament - végrendelet
talked - beszélt
suggested - javasolt
strong - erős
truth - igazság
special - különleges
something - valami
smash - összetör
screwed - csavart
right - jobb
scored - szerzett
refuses - megtagadja
really - igazán
pregnant - terhes
place - hely
relationship - kapcsolat
overrated - túlértékelt
never - soha
nerves - idegek
supposed - feltételezett
negro - néger
through - keresztül
dreams - álmok
shirt - ing
delay - késleltetés
trying - megpróbálja
called - hívott
nigolo - nigolo
dates - időpontját,
cooking - főzés
conscience - lelkiismeret
going - haladó
gonna - fog
cocked - felemelő
unless - hacsak
again - újra
around - körül
goddamn - átkozott
different - különböző
about - ról ről
doodle - firkál
invited - meghívott
farrakhan - farrakhan
always - mindig
night - éjszaka
makes - gyártmányú
bedroom - hálószoba
available - elérhető
thinks - azt hiszi
based - székhelyű
glowing - fénylő
sonia - Sonia
believe - hinni
before - előtt
driver - sofőr
these - ezek
shoulders - vállak
gotta - kell
esteem - becsülés
first - első
control - ellenőrzés
hours - órák
exactly - pontosan
bible - Biblia
expect - elvár
think - gondol
muslim - muszlim
figured - mintás
tomorrow - holnap
second - második
better - jobb
gigolo - dzsigoló
original - eredeti
dinner - vacsora
honesty - őszinteség
hands - kezek
yourself - saját magad
whites - fehér ruhák
homie - haver
trimester - trimeszter
insecurities - bizonytalanságok
until - amíg
literally - szó szerint
trust - bizalom
enforcement - végrehajtás
looked - nézett
slouched - görnyedten
marriage - házasság
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