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Tanulás elkezdése
The last time I saw my mom
and dad, I was eight going on nine...
eight years, six months,
and three days,
almost as old as you are.
They were going on tour, and they were
leaving me behind for the first time.
Because they didn't want me
missing any more school.
When they came to my room to say good-bye.
I wouldn't open the door, so they left.
I fell asleep.
And then, the next thing I knew...
my nanny was waking me up
in the middle of the night
telling me
their plane had crashed.
You're lucky.
- Lucky?
That you were mad.
See, when you're mad,
you don't miss people,
and if you stay mad,
it's like you never knew them at all.
That way you don't
have to feel sucky about it.
You were lucky.
I wasn't mad, Ray.
I was confused.
Everyone was talking to me,
talking, talking, talking
and I couldn't understand
a word they were saying.
Then their voices
became a blur...
and soon I couldn't even
recognize their faces.
They were like these blobs.
Then they started
to grow fangs...
and their eyes
became green.
I knew I had to run away.
So I packed my knapsack, got on
the train, looked up at the map,
and decided that I wanted
to live in Coney Island.
I thought
it was gonna be a real island...
and I could hide away there like
Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn.
Well, imagine my surprise.
The Teacups was the only ride
they'd let me on by myself.
So I got on it and I started
spinning myself round and round.
And I feel like I'm still there,
spinning round and round and round,
and the ride won't stop,
and I won't dare get off.
You were right, Ray.
I am scared.
But you're scared, too.
You're as scared as I am.
And I thought maybe...
I thought maybe if we...
could go together...
years - évek
voices - hangok
understand - megért
thing - dolog
train - vonat
these - ezek
three - három
their - azok
telling - sokatmondó
teacups - teáscsésze
surprise - meglepetés
still - még mindig
huckleberry - amerikai áfonya
right - jobb
gonna - fog
imagine - képzeld el
spinning - fonás
confused - zavaros
became - lett
almost - majdnem
saying - mondás
together - együtt
crashed - lezuhant
blobs - festékfoltok
thought - gondolat
decided - határozott
wanted - kívánatos
going - haladó
knapsack - hátizsák
fangs - agyarak
myself - magamat
because - mert
talking - beszél
sucky - sucky
about - ról ről
plane - repülőgép
there - ott
school - iskola
behind - mögött
coney - nyúl
eight - nyolc
round - kerek
asleep - alva
could - tudott
started - indult
people - emberek
island - sziget
leaving - kilépő
middle - középső
looked - nézett
faces - arcok
maybe - talán
missing - hiányzó
waking - ébredés
months - hónap
first - első
nanny - dajka
never - soha
lucky - szerencsés
packed - csomagolt
sawyer - fűrészelő
night - éjszaka
green - zöld
everyone - mindenki
scared - megrémült
recognize - elismerik
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