Impara il vero inglese da film e libri.
Aggiungi parole o frasi per imparare ed esercitati con altri studenti.
The bird is singsis singingis sing
The children are makingis makingis make noise
My friend are callingis callingis call me.
Birds flyingis flyingare flying in the sky.
The baby am cryingis cryis crying for milk.
My husband bakeare bakingis baking a chocolate cake.
My children is watchingare watchingwatches a lot of TV these days.
I are tryingam tryingare try to remain calm.
My son are textingis textsis texting his friends all-day.
Aubrey is playsare playingis playing football in the garden right now.
Anna and James is doingdoare doing their homework now.
Jim is not ridingnot ridingrides his bike at the moment.
Vicky is listeningare listeningis listens to music now.
The girls are drawis drawingare drawing a beautiful picture at the moment.
Peter watersisn't wateringis water the plants now.
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