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30 Seconds to Mars – Bright Lights testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Bright Lights - 30 Seconds to Mars

parole da studiare

(Oh, oh-oh / oh, oh-oh)

(Oh, oh-oh / oh, oh-oh)

(Oh oh oh!)

(Oh, oh-oh / oh, oh-oh)

(Oh, oh-oh / oh-oh, oh-oh)

(Oh, oh ,oh...)

I’ve been dreaming...of things yet to come;

Living, learning, watching, burning;

Eyes on the sun.

I’m leaving...gone yesterday;

Brutal, laughing, fighting, fucking;

A price I had to pay.

Bright lights, big city;

She dreams of love.

Brights lights, big city;

He lives to run.

(To run, to run, to run...)

(To run, to run, to run...)

(To run, to run, to run...)

(To run, to run, to run...)

Demon; where did my angel go?

Vacant, vapid, stupid, perfect;