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All Saints – Dreams testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Dreams - All Saints

parole da studiare

Here I go again, got a broken heart

This time Ill get stronger

No grieving til the break of dawn

Aint falling easily, move over

Dreams are dreams,

Will alas come true

Skies are clear, leaving me bright and blue

I will raise my glass to my heart and say,

Heres to tomorrow, not yesterday

Heres not to dreams that dont come true

Heres not to what was me and you

Heres not to all the days gone by

And to the truth that lived a lie.

Dreams are dreams,

Will alas come true

Skies will clear, leaving me bright and blue

I will raise my glass to my heart and say,

Heres to tomorrow, not yesterday

Dreams are dreams,

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