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As It Is – The Coast Is Where Home Is testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

The Coast Is Where Home Is - As It Is

parole da studiare

(Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh, Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)

Long live forgotten days

The city lights that paint the waves

The sea air inside my lungs (Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)

The memories we made back then

Forever splintered in my skin

Feeling like the only ones (Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)

Years passed with these streets, losing what I keep

I know, I know the coast is where home is

They closed the venue we first played

Near Blenheim Place and Grand Parade

And with it went a piece of me (Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)

I live in chapters left behind

I'm losing constants over time

If nothing else I have the sea (Oh-Oh-Oh-Oh)