Painless words don't mean a thing
Stainless world is a gift of lie
King of kings is a fallen man
No way out of here alive
Boy and girl never meet again
Life or death - which one hurts more?
Chained outside cold every night
Reaching out for a helping hand
I don't believe my faith belongs to no one
They will deceive me if only they will get a chance
world - mondo
which - quale
survive - sopravvivere
somewhere - da qualche parte
single - singolo
savage - selvaggio
deceive - ingannare
chained - incatenato
kings - re
thing - cosa
chance - opportunità
before - prima
alive - vivo
faith - fede
never - mai
blinded - accecato
words - parole
hurts - fa male
believe - credere
every - dejte pozor
again - ancora
fallen - caduto
fortune - fortuna
night - notte
stainless - inossidabile
outside - al di fuori
death - morte
belongs - appartiene
painless - indolore
saint - santo
helping - porzione
reaching - raggiungendo
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