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Brad Paisley – Letter to Me testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Letter to Me - Brad Paisley

parole da studiare

If I could write a letter to me

And send it back in time to myself at 17

First I’d prove it’s me by saying look under your bed

There’s a Skoal can and a Playboy no one else would know you hid

And then I’d say I know its tough

When you break up after seven months

And yeah I know you really liked her and it just don’t seem fair

All I can say is pain like that is fast and it’s rare

1st Chorus

And oh you got so much going for you going right

But I know at 17 it’s hard to see past Friday night

She wasn’t right for you

And still you feel like there’s a knife sticking out of your back

And you’re wondering if you’ll survive

You’ll make it through this and you’ll see

You’re still around to write this letter to me

At the stop sign at Tomlinson and Eighth

Always stop completely don’t just tap your brakes

And when you get a date with Bridgett make sure the tank is full

On second thought forget it that one turns out kinda cool