She's a light, smothered in endless night.

A fading flame, struggling just to survive...

Born into constant betrayal always set up to fail,

call me cynical, but I must know,

what keeps her alive, what keeps her alive?

She won't open her mouth til we open our eyes and see this

cross she has borne all along, will this laughter and scorn turn to

hearts ever torn, when she's dead and gone?

How far from heaven, did she fall?

With broken wings, she barely crawls,

no reasons left to stay alive,

If there's a God, where's he tonight? For Caroline

Every day, a nightmare she must relive,

tonight - stasera
smothered - soffocato
survive - sopravvivere
shame - vergogna
scorn - disprezzo
relive - rivivere
place - posto
wrist - polso
never - mai
mouth - bocca
nightmare - incubo
laughter - risata
wanted - ricercato
nothing - niente
known - conosciuto
keeps - mantiene
betrayal - tradimento
broken - rotto
bliss - beatitudine
light - leggero
alone - da solo
where - dove
ignorance - ignoranza
borne - borne
barely - appena
along - lungo
crawls - striscia
wings - ali
cannot - non può
hearts - cuori
caroline - caroline
flame - fiamma
forgive - perdonare
struggling - lottando
constant - costante
cross - attraversare
cynical - cinico
night - notte
always - sempre
heaven - paradiso
reasons - motivi
endless - infinito
every - dejte pozor
alive - vivo
fading - dissolvenza

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