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Damn Yankees – Where you going now? testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Where you going now? - Damn Yankees

parole da studiare

There's a face in the mirror

And you close your eyes

Much easier to turn away

Than to take a look inside

So you're thinking it's over

Walking away

Let your little world crash and burn

Oh, what a price to pay

Didn't anybody tell you

It's not who's right or wrong?

Hold the line

Is this what's going on?

Where you going now?

When your world's turned inside out

Isn't love what it's all about?

Where you going now?

When you get to the top of the hill

Gonna be there yes I will

There's a crack in the mirror

There's a hole in the sun

Full moon in the midnight sky

And you feel like you wanna run

So you blow out the candle