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Deathspell Omega – Malconfort testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Malconfort - Deathspell Omega

parole da studiare

Raging winds roam over Babylon like a primal chaos spread

Emaciated beasts howl with angel voices

Thou shalt be desolate forever, Thou shalt be desolate forever

In this place shall infuse the venom

Drop by drop, in bloody mire, until the hearth of the earth

O abhorred, for so much in death and carnage you delight

Behold and rejoice, freed from the skein of time

Fulfill your sublime destiny and reveal your divine essence

In fire and hail, in fire and hail!

I will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters

saith the Lord Almighty