Ashed air
Lingering in the dim lit corners
Where the sun is peaking in
A window blocked out, cracking
Day in, day out
He turns the floor and hard luck
Sun up, sun down
He pushes hurt and poor souls
Shuffle in through the door, kicked
Always on their last drink
Suffer on their last leg, breaking
Day in, day out
The numbers run
Hard luck
Sun up, sun down
He pushes on
Poor souls
young - giovane
window - finestra
where - dove
trailing - trascinamento
tongue - lingua
those - quelli
their - loro
struck - colpito
suffer - soffrire
streak - striscia
dragging - trascinamento
debts - debiti
turned - trasformato
corners - angoli
pushes - spinge
cracking - screpolatura
cheat - truffare
cigarette - sigaretta
ground - terra
shuffle - rimescolare
coming - venuta
burning - ardente
beach - spiaggia
teeth - denti
breathe - respirare
through - attraverso
dreams - sogni
heart - cuore
blocked - bloccato
bleeding - emorragia
along - lungo
ashed - incenerito
around - in giro
breaking - rottura
stave - doga
aching - dolorante
drink - bere
numbers - numeri
floor - pavimento
going - andando
grinning - ghignante
haunt - infestare
stale - stantio
turns - giri
kicked - preso a calci
ending - fine
sleep - dormire
mouth - bocca
laundry - lavanderia
comes - viene
buried - sepolto
smoke - fumo
names - nomi
lingering - persistente
shuffles - riordini
break - rompere
peaking - picco
souls - anime
always - sempre
spinning - filatura
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