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Don McLean – Narcisissma testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Narcisissma - Don McLean

parole da studiare

Narcisissma, Narcisissma is the pride of Pomona,

Pomona, Pomona says she looks like me.

But she will look like you when I'm set free.

Narcisissma, Narcisissma is the belle of Biloxi,

Biloxi, Biloxi says she's not your kind

But Narcisissma gives me peace of mind.

She's got no braids in the inkwell, no money on the prize.

Ain't got no boyfriend behind her that she can't hypnotize.

And if you wanna see yourself without delusions or delies.

All you do is just look into her eyes.

Narcisissma, Narcisissma has no pride or delusions,

Delusions, delusions make me turn my face

But Narcisissma let's me find my place.