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Eliza Doolittle – Back to Front testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Back to Front - Eliza Doolittle

parole da studiare

If I woke up in the mornin'

And the world was back to front

There was sunshine in the evenin'

And the moon came out for lunch

I wouldn't mind walkin' backwards with you

At least we'd always know where we'd be goin' to

We could talk till we forget how to talk

And we could learn to laugh again

Like when we were children

We could learn to dance again

Like nobody is watchin'

If everyone was gettin' young

There'd be a smile on your face

If all the friends that passed away

Came back to this place

We'd be puttin' down the daisies

Drinkin' milk and feelin' lazy

There's no sense in any senses