Back in the day yo as we learned
A man was not considered to be
Considered to be fully grown
Has he not gona beyond the hills
Has he not crossed the seven seas
Yeah, seven seas at least!
Now all them jokers kept around
Just like the scarecrows in hometown
Yeah, scarecrows in hometown
From screen to screen they're travelin'
But I'm a wonderlust king
I stay on the run
Let me out
Let me be gone
In the world's beat up road sign
I saw new history of time...
New history of time!!!
Through Siberian woods
world - mondo
ultimate - finale
traveled - viaggiato
total - totale
history - storia
understanding - comprensione
hills - colline
never - mai
gathering - raduno
challenging - stimolante
crossed - attraversato
woods - boschi
something - qualcosa
every - dejte pozor
because - perché
first - primo
definitions - definizioni
grown - cresciuto
breaking - rottura
airport - aeroporto
billionaires - miliardari
building - costruzione
generals - generali
chinese - cinese
jokers - jolly
considered - considerato
beauty - bellezza
homemade - fatti in casa
hometown - città natale
their - loro
hunting - a caccia
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
settled - sistemato
least - meno
seven - sette
around - in giro
fully - completamente
scarecrows - spaventapasseri
learned - imparato
lovers - Gli amanti
moving - in movimento
information - informazione
other - altro
owned - di proprietà
whatnot - cosa no
presidents - presidenti
beyond - al di là
through - attraverso
screen - schermo
siberian - siberiano
simple - semplice
different - diverso
times - volte
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