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James Blunt – Over (Bonus Track) testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Over (Bonus Track) - James Blunt

parole da studiare

How could you do this?

Will never be the same

You're gonna regret this

You're gonna remember my name

Cause in the end, girl

You just got yourself to blame

It was amazing

But now everything has changed

We had it all, babe

You've thrown it all away

I'll say it again, girl

You've just got yourself to blame

Don't try to lie 'cause I know where you've been

You made a choice when you made out with him

Now all I can see in my dreams is him touching your skin

Baby, it's too bad

You know that it's so sad

You should have known that

It would be over

Baby, it's too late

We had it so great

The moment the heart breaks