Looking out the corner of her eye
As she sits alone and drinks her wine
Every man just wants to pass her by
In hopes that he can catch her eye
That glow that’s in her eye
Gives you visions in your mind
She’s from another space and time
That’s when you’ll know you’re hypnotized
Her intoxicating will not be denied
And when you touch her glove
She then becomes your drug
You fall so deep in love with the girl
It’s too late, you’re hypnotized
She’s got Dorothy Dandridge eyes
And you love her, you love her, you love her, you love that girl
It’s too late, you’re hypnotized
She’s got Dorothy Dandridge eyes
And you love her, you love that girl
woman - donna
grace - grazia
hypnotized - ipnotizzato
hopes - speranze
visions - visioni
wants - vuole
clouds - nuvole
gives - dà
falling - caduta
becomes - diventa
glove - guanto
mountains - montagne
every - dejte pozor
monet - monet
dorothy - Dorothy
distant - lontano
moons - lune
beauty - bellezza
corner - angolo
another - un altro
alone - da solo
could - poteva
smile - sorriso
catch - catturare
touch - toccare
denied - negato
looking - analizzare, cercare, guardare
white - bianca
black - nero
metal - metallo
orange - arancia
petals - petali
stars - stelle
picasso - picasso
intoxicating - intossicante
purple - viola
slowly - lentamente
replicate - replicare
shine - brillare
space - spazio
sunny - soleggiato
drinks - bevande
studied - studiato
style - stile
heaven - paradiso
through - attraverso
tongue - lingua
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