Oh, oh, oh

Oh, oh, oh

27th of January, think he died a year ago today

She's crying on my shoulder and begging me

To make the hurting go away

Pretty brown eyes, tears full of guilt, a heart full of pain and fear

I wanna tell her it's okay but we both know

She's the reason he's not here

I keep on crying but it doesn't seem to help at all

With every single tear drop it's like another raindrop falls

And I would if I could but the try would be in vain

Said no matter what I do I can't stop the rain

So I cry, ooh, I can't stop the rain, stop the rain

Ooh, I can't stop the rain, stop the rain

If I could you know I would but the try would be in vain

So I cry, ooh, I can't stop the rain, stop the rain

Faded picture in a little gold locket

And she never takes it off

I know it's small, but it's heavy 'cause it's filled with guilt

wheel - ruota
wanna - voglio
times - volte
tears - lacrime
takes - prende
suppose - supporre
would - voluto
sudden - improvviso
staring - fissando
stand - stare in piedi
faded - sbiadito
locket - medaglione
think - pensare
figured - figurato
falls - cadute
every - dejte pozor
drink - bere
emotions - emozioni
darkest - più scuro
filled - pieno
somewhere - da qualche parte
deepest - più profondo
around - in giro
small - piccolo
about - di
mixed - misto
anniversary - anniversario
champagne - champagne
celebrating - festeggiare
happy - contento
another - un altro
picture - immagine
drive - guidare
barely - appena
begging - accattonaggio
having - avendo
heart - cuore
brown - marrone
never - mai
little - piccolo
friend - amico
could - poteva
guilt - colpa
heavy - pesante
january - gennaio
matter - importa
night - notte
pretty - bella
flipped - capovolto
saturday - sabato
crying - pianto
raindrop - goccia di pioggia
rainy - piovoso
hurting - male
reason - ragionare
today - oggi
shoulder - spalla
three - tre
single - singolo

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