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Kazzer – Over the Edge testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Over the Edge - Kazzer

parole da studiare

Seems I got a second to reflect and put my life on pause

stand back from the mirror try to search out a cause

cause life has got me down some times I’m tryin to figure out

exactly who’s a friend of mine and what they’re all about

and when the goings good, you know you’ll see your people there,

but if you slip up we’ll see who really cares,

takin’ care of the situe when you’re forced to deal with issues work a twelve or nine to five one day it finally hits you

that it’s not that simple got to search for solutions,

got a stack full of bills and it’s filled with diversions

I know I know it all but I still got a lot of learnin

On a straight and narrow path, I keep ‘er stiff instead of searchin,