Sometimes a man with nothing good left to die for

Can live with nothing to lose

Chichik Boom

Scars on my hands, skin windows stare into nowhere

A man with nothing to lose

Long years and days all blur in broken slow motion

Pills and cheap bitter booze

Glass shards and bloody stains on the floor

This world is rotten right to core

I keep watching the world go by in bullet time

Keep pushing the pain back down inside

Time trickles away as golden hammers chime

windows - finestre
golden - d'oro
floor - pavimento
white - bianca
hammers - martelli
denied - negato
booze - liquore
chime - carillon
inside - dentro
brave - coraggioso
hands - mani
shards - cocci
sometimes - a volte
gonna - andando
bullet - proiettile
cheap - a buon mercato
suffer - soffrire
years - anni
flares - razzi
bitter - amaro
nowhere - da nessuna parte
motion - movimento
flash - veloce
noise - rumore
peace - pace
nothing - niente
pills - pillole
innocence - innocenza
through - attraverso
stains - macchie
pushing - spingendo
there - là
trickles - rivoli
right - destra
louder - più forte
rings - Anelli
rotten - marcio
stumble - inciampare
world - mondo
scars - cicatrici
broken - rotto
watching - guardando
glass - bicchiere
stare - fissare
bloody - sanguinoso
stray - vagante
streets - strade
hunting - a caccia
those - quelli

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