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Miracle of Sound – Shooter guy! testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Shooter guy! - Miracle of Sound

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Ramirez! Tie my shoelaces!

Well I'm a military man with a heart of lead

I got a floating M4 stickin' out of my head

Got a cacophonous captain always screaming at me

I got the Burgertown blues times Infinity

I was the brightest in my unit got the tightest of training

So why am I down on the range learning basic aiming?

Guess I must have got my screws knocked loose in a fight

Cause I don't even remember how to aim down sights

Now that the training is done we're on a chopper to war

Captain Noisy is yelling and telling us what we're here for

The mission is critical with volition political

I could question it but I ain't feeling too analytical

Cause a dude on a rooftop with an RPG

Just sent us spinning around 360 degrees

Like a pre-pubescent sniper on 10 sensitivity

I spin in circles with a bunch of dudes yelling at me

Cause I'm the shooter guy, shooter guy

Laws of physics and logic need not apply

I'm the shooter guy, shooter guy

As long as I got my wall I will never die

360 no-scope triple collateral guys OH MY GOD headshot bitch! I'm a sniper!

Now the world it is fading and my vision's degrading

Through slow motion I'm wading with the bad guys invading

Look around in a blur and see the bodies and blood

I get control of my legs again and I crawl through the mud

Snipers on ledges wearin bulletproof apparel

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