I'm waitin' on the sun to set cause yesterday ain't over yet

I started smoking cigarettes, there's nothing else to do I guess

Dusty roads ain't made for walking, spinning tires ain't made for stoppin'

I'm giving up on love cause love's given up on me

I gave it everything I had and everything I got

was bad

Life ain't hard but it's too long to live it like some country song

worth - di valore
walking - a passeggio
truth - verità
tires - pneumatici
there - là
teach - insegnare
started - iniziato
spinning - filatura
forget - dimenticare
dirty - sporco
dusty - polveroso
country - nazione
kerosene - cherosene
blame - colpa
everything - qualunque cosa
learn - imparare
watch - orologio
light - leggero
somewhere - da qualche parte
crime - crimine
cause - causa
changes - i cambiamenti
trade - commercio
cigarettes - sigarette
yesterday - ieri
given - dato
hands - mani
someone - qualcuno
giving - dando
roads - strade
society - società
really - veramente
guess - indovina
nothing - niente
smoking - fumo

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