All men know what waits for us
Wooden box, worm and dust
Maybe heaven, pearly gates
Hasty prayer, when it's too late
Burn in hell, all is lost,
Purgatory, fingers crossed
Which or Who, your or mine?
Eternity's a long, long time.
Never mind, never fail
Right this time, on the nail
Never mind, Never mind, Never mind, Never mind
words - parole
heaven - paradiso
hasty - frettoloso
goatee - pizzo
spear - lancia
desire - desiderio
forever - per sempre
crossed - attraversato
going - andando
fingers - dita
clown - clown
beard - barba
allowed - permesso
prayer - preghiera
guilt - colpa
knees - ginocchia
chorus - coro
christian - cristiano
believe - credere
gates - cancelli
carol - carola
christmas - natale
wooden - di legno
clear - chiaro
begging - accattonaggio
punishment - punizione
winged - alato
heresy - eresia
hopeful - pieno di speranza
repent - pentirsi
maybe - può essere
midnight - mezzanotte
nasty - cattiva
never - mai
these - queste
other - altro
confess - confessare
pearly - perlaceo
otherwise - altrimenti
purgatory - purgatorio
right - destra
deserve - meritare
singed - bruciacchiati
remorse - rimorso
sinner - peccatore
tales - racconti
waits - attese
satan - Satana
which - quale
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