[Verse 1 (Nas)]

Blessings in life to the children

They say life is like 5 days

Words of a old man with silver hair in his wheel chair

His eyes were bloody while describin' what lies before me

Said evil bitches and jealous men would try to destroy me

It occurred to me, this old nigga's words couldn't be realer

I'm on top now, slightest drama, I'll have ta kill ya

Cuz animals sence weakness, sharks smell blood in water

Ishmael, Moses and Job, moved a divine order

Shit is plastic material, havin' no life

I crash whips and leave it no matter the price

As long as I survive, coppin' the five

Circle the block where the beef's at

And park in front of my enemy's eyes

They see that it's war we life stealers

Hollow tip, lead busters there's no heaven or hell

Dead is dead, fuckers

And your soul is with God

Your mind keeps lurkin' to earth

Watchin' your own murder reoccur

[Chorus (Repeat 2X)]

For ever struggle, every strip, and every ghetto

For every nigga toned in the pain and heavy metal

For every child that's born

And every nigga gone

And for every brotha breathin'

Live to see another mornin'

[Verse 2 (Blitz)]

yours - il tuo
would - voluto
while - mentre
verse - versetto
toned - tonica
times - volte
these - queste
taught - insegnato
weakness - debolezza
struggle - lotta
stories - storie
stones - pietre
stealers - ladri
state - stato
sounds - suoni
young - giovane
sharks - squali
words - parole
shame - vergogna
where - dove
sence - sence
right - destra
sickest - sickest
remorse - rimorso
smell - odore
relieve - alleviare
water - acqua
reality - la realtà
price - prezzo
stand - stare in piedi
presence - presenza
plastic - plastica
violent - violento
pitch - intonazione
pictures - immagini
paper - carta
realer - più reale
extended - esteso
refused - rifiutato
earth - terra
survive - sopravvivere
every - dejte pozor
moses - Mosé
divine - divine
princess - principessa
chair - sedia
youth - gioventù
diamond - diamante
world - mondo
darker - più scuro
daddy - papà
crash - schianto
hates - odia
crimes - crimini
rocks - rocce
could - poteva
tasted - assaggiato
colors - colori
strip - striscia
contempt - disprezzo
started - iniziato
basically - fondamentalmente
children - bambini
anthrax - antrace
repeat - ripetere
child - bambino
wheel - ruota
expect - aspettarsi
father - padre
illustrate - illustrare
friendships - amicizie
black - nero
whips - fruste
trial - prova
tomorrow - domani
another - un altro
shots - scatti
freeze - congelare
busters - busters
bitches - femmine
hustlers - hustlers
winters - inverni
business - attività commerciale
believe - credere
dangers - pericoli
heavy - pesante
bloody - sanguinoso
glory - gloria
blood - sangue
destroy - distruggere
bones - ossatura
bring - portare
reside - risiedere
heaven - paradiso
little - piccolo
streets - strade
block - bloccare
blessings - benedizioni
material - materiale
keeps - mantiene

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