
These are last words of a hanging slave

How could I forget this

I rob you put you on my hit list

Under my nails are dirty look at the grime

My burnt lips from the roach clips

How can I shine

Being broker than a dope bitch

Powerful mind we brave men

I blow smoke and I'ma keep sayin


These are last words of a hanging slave

How can I forget this

I rob you put you on my hit list

Under my nails is dirty look at the grime

My burnt lips from the roach clips

How can I shine

Being broke and bag a dope bitch

Powerful minds we brave men

I'ma blow smoke and keep sayin

I wanna be more than that bullet that go through ya zone

Wanna be the lead that tear through ya skin and crack bones

Wanna be the heat you feel makin ya moan

Wanna be the hospital bed that you lay on

Wanna be the god you feel when you pray-on

It's Nashawn the type that get the hyper-con

I'm gonna kill something

Rap cats be real frontin

Fuck shootin legs

Cock back put his brains on the pave

Nigga how bout that

Close range with the gadge get payed

First rapper to shoot off stage

Turn the front page the next day my life is like a book

A twenty four hour song without no hook

weapons - armi
watch - orologio
wanna - voglio
through - attraverso
think - pensare
these - queste
stunning - sbalorditivo
smoke - fumo
slide - diapositiva
sleep - dormire
slave - schiavo
frontin -
folks - gente
fallin - Fallin
apart - a parte
bodied - bodied
crack - crepa
prayers - preghiere
convicts - detenuti
clips - clip
groan - gemito
could - poteva
consider - prendere in considerazione
colder - più freddo
legal - legale
makin - makin
chips - patatine fritte
woman - donna
twenty - venti
coffin - bara
before - prima
rapper - cantante rap
chance - opportunità
gonna - andando
pulse - impulso
sayin - sayin
gadge - gadge
chorus - coro
alone - da solo
forget - dimenticare
hotter - più caldo
release - liberare
bullet - proiettile
dirty - sporco
better - meglio
brains - mente
gotcha - Gotcha
stone - pietra
minds - menti
about - di
alive - vivo
dream - sognare
close - vicino
outside - al di fuori
brave - coraggioso
always - sempre
thugs - teppisti
something - qualcosa
being - essere
place - posto
broke - rotto
instead - anziché
first - primo
become - diventare
remorse - rimorso
night - notte
hospital - ospedale
cause - causa
range - gamma
shootin - shootin
burnt - bruciato
stage - palcoscenico
grime - sporcizia
bitch - cagna
tears - lacrime
bones - ossatura
computer - computer
front - davanti
around - in giro
broker - broker
guards - guardie
house - casa
without - senza
enters - entra
hyper - iper
pictures - immagini
inside - dentro
summer - estate
listen - ascolta
shine - brillare
livin - livin
matter - importa
maybe - può essere
nickname - soprannome
millennium - millennio
metal - metallo
misery - miseria
winter - inverno
hanging - sospeso
nails - unghie

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