American born, American raised, American made

[Chorus 2X]

My country shitted on me (My country)

She wants to get rid of me (Naw, never)

Cause the things I seen (We know too much)

Cause the things I seen (We seen too much)

[Verse 1 (Nas)]

It was packed on the Ryker's bus

The tight cuffs is holdin' me shackled

The life of a thug caught in the devil's lap

On the streets I was invincible

Cowards would duck at a glimpse if they knew

What my pistol would do, a fuckin' killa

Mothers of dope fiend embarrassin' me

All in front of my friends

In the street smile with no teeth

I never knew daddy, heard he had a 72 caddy

Died in a robbery, can't remember him, was probably 3

Why didn't my folks just die in this society

Why wasn't I a child of a doctor, who left stocks for me

Two little brothers, two sisters, them shortiez gots to eat

Mother's a junkie, she twisted, so all they got is me

I'm the provider, with goals to do much better than my father

Whether through drugs sold, or holdin' revolvers

Blurry visions of dad holdin' me high

It comes to me slowly, the words he would cry

[Repeat Chorus]

[Verse 2 (Millenium Thug)]

It is I that step up

Me that don't give a fuck, you that bold, then it's all over soldier

Hummers and Range's through the desert

Fuck a 20 years, long as we got gas and we got water

years - anni
words - parole
whether - se
warden - guardiano
visit - visita
visions - visioni
verse - versetto
twisted - contorto
troopers - troopers
tight - stretto
through - attraverso
think - pensare
things - cose
state - stato
startin - startin
stars - stelle
soldier - soldato
society - società
smile - sorriso
slowly - lentamente
water - acqua
sisters - sorelle
sight - vista
shoes - scarpe
shackled - incatenato
scheme - schema
swear - giurare
rubble - macerie
wants - vuole
robbery - rapina
escape - fuga
drugs - farmaci
desert - deserto
every - dejte pozor
everything - qualunque cosa
crumble - crollare
daddy - papà
cowards - vigliacchi
brothers - fratelli
street - strada
pistol - pistola
everyday - ogni giorno
ducks - anatre
country - nazione
caddy - caddie
closer - più vicino
scribe - scriba
invincible - invincibile
doctor - medico
folks - gente
clean - pulito
bloody - sanguinoso
homicide - omicidio
debris - detriti
cause - causa
bitch - cagna
goals - obiettivi
billion - miliardo
anywhere - dovunque
bench - panchina
dearest - carissimo
yesterday - ieri
repeat - ripetere
child - bambino
machine - macchina
apart - a parte
hummers - hummers
streets - strade
shitted - shitted
block - bloccare
behind - dietro a
dollar - dollaro
breath - respiro
blurry - sfocato
could - poteva
color - colore
teeth - denti
broadcast - trasmissione
cares - cure
slaves - schiavi
comes - viene
major - maggiore
cuffs - polsini
burnt - bruciato
buried - sepolto
business - attività commerciale
caught - catturato
american - americano
chest - il petto
mommy - mammina
nobody - nessuno
everytime - ogni volta
walls - muri
remember - ricorda
father - padre
fatigues - affatica
fence - recinto
fiend - demone
gates - cancelli
revolvers - rivoltelle

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