[Man Singing & Humming in Foreign Language]

[Intro: Nas]

They wanna shine on 'em

Shine on 'em [x7]


[Verse 1: Nas]

They dug me out the soil in the Mines of the Motherland

Now I'm misplaced, one hand to another hand

Illegal smugglin', people strugglin'

Wish they could just throw me back in the mud again

Yeah, guess that's how we got here

Slave Trade then the Diamond Trade

Every child's afraid

When his Mother and Father get sprayed

Forced in the Army, young killer Brigade

Gets a new name and then he give his nose glue

Til' his mind can't take what he's gon' through

Lookin' in that dirt for that ice so blue

Then The Royal Family, the ice goes to

And this thing has to change, feelin' half-ashamed

As I rap with my Platinum chain

When you shop for a gift for me

jesus - Gesù
alive - vivo
illegal - illegale
homes - le case
every - dejte pozor
humming - ronzio
encrusted - encrusted
history - storia
intro - intro
harvest - raccolto
chain - catena
father - padre
jewelry - gioielli
separated - separato
apartheid - discriminazione razziale
foreign - straniero
killed - ucciso
bloodshed - spargimento di sangue
about - di
pretty - bella
annually - annualmente
bless - benedire
world - mondo
glimmers - амосс
death - morte
guess - indovina
ignores - ignora
ashamed - si vergogna
everybody - tutti
shine - brillare
diamonds - quadri
heaven - paradiso
family - famiglia
lacks - manca
through - attraverso
bought - comprato
chest - il petto
equality - uguaglianza
nobody - nessuno
another - un altro
change - modificare
stores - i negozi
diamond - diamante
young - giovane
brigade - brigata
husbands - mariti
wives - mogli
holiday - vacanza
greed - avidità
throw - gettare
clarity - chiarezza
afraid - impaurito
conflict - conflitto
killer - killer
called - chiamato
again - ancora
crowded - affollato
language - lingua
mines - miniere
people - persone
misery - miseria
misplaced - fuori luogo
shocks - ammortizzatori
motherland - patria
mutilated - monco
piece - pezzo
mother - madre
watch - orologio
platinum - platino
poverty - povertà
right - destra
starve - morire di fame
could - poteva
rocks - rocce
forced - costretto
royal - reale
think - pensare
robbery - rapina
wants - vuole
without - senza
season - stagione
sprayed - spruzzato
shaped - a forma di
singing - cantando
slave - schiavo
wonder - meravigliarsi
their - loro
there - là
thing - cosa
trade - commercio
perfect - perfezionare
vanity - vanità
verse - versetto
wanna - voglio
snatched - strappato
whole - totale
wrist - polso

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