[Jessica Care Moore]

Global warming between my legs, screams against the waves

Gave birth to thirteen daughters, so now we never run out of water

My skin layered in diamonds and sage

Left alone and confused, forces enslaved by days

Time keeps on whorin us

Ghetto saviors can't keep ignorin us

Flowers and flames, flutes from her fingers

Rifles pointed from her sac

or was it simply a bag of sticks and stones

Either way, she wore a compass on her head

Rains don't stop the grass from turnin red

Her hair was half perm, half dread

We gave up walking in a past-life and so we dance

Arms wrapped around my breath and choked me back to life

A new world wife, reflecting the sun and rolling dice

Symbol of the drama yet to come - too late to run

Time travelling was late

wrote - ha scritto
writing - scrittura
words - parole
watching - guardando
warming - riscaldamento
walking - a passeggio
twisted - contorto
trust - fiducia
travelling - in viaggio
tongues - lingue
thirteen - tredici
taste - gusto
their - loro
symbol - simbolo
sweet - dolce
still - ancora
sticks - bastoni
stayed - rimasto
stars - stelle
sporting - sportivo
layered - stratificato
fingers - dita
enslaved - asservito
dreams - sogni
laced - allacciato
nooses - cappi
despite - nonostante
demon - demone
seeds - semi
dance - danza
remember - ricorda
curse - maledizione
yeast - lievito
water - acqua
between - fra
angel - angelo
truth - verità
forces - forze
cutting - taglio
against - contro
grass - erba
earth - terra
moore - moore
bones - ossatura
reflecting - riflettendo
blessings - benedizioni
screams - urla
electronic - elettronico
world - mondo
belly - pancia
reason - ragionare
flames - fiamme
dread - terrore
destiny - destino
future - futuro
shepherds - pastori
damage - danno
flowers - fiori
blind - cieco
choked - soffocato
bread - pane
loose - sciolto
chose - scelto
compass - bussola
fermented - fermentato
global - globale
breath - respiro
count - contare
broke - rotto
catch - catturare
weapons - armi
rolling - rotolamento
worth - di valore
alone - da solo
smile - sorriso
hoeing - zappatura
first - primo
saviors - salvatori
assets - risorse
diamonds - quadri
mental - mentale
birth - nascita
gates - cancelli
confused - confuso
drama - dramma
turnin - turnin
books - libri
realize - rendersi conto
telepathically - telepaticamente
cervix - cervice
jessica - jessica
around - in giro
front - davanti
shoes - scarpe
haste - fretta
humanity - umanità
stones - pietre
named - di nome
wrapped - avvolto
hustlers - hustlers

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