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Nas – Where Yall At testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Where Yall At - Nas

parole da studiare


Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?


I slow dance with the Devil

Snow setting in the bezzle

Mo' sipping, phantom bumping Aaron Neville

Polo black scented, eyes squinted

Air Force One's, with my own patent in it

Fresher than a star, glowing up in the galaxy

Pagan holidays, are way far from my reality

Far through Evisu jeans, lethal green

Oliver peoples shades when I creep through Queens

With no AKs, I'm the ambassador

Robin Hood in the Aston Mart.

Lotta blood gonna splash in war

Task force homicide, federalies gonna arrest

But y'all ain't never seen nothing

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