
Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them gangsters at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?

Where where them dumbs at?


I slow dance with the Devil

Snow setting in the bezzle

Mo' sipping, phantom bumping Aaron Neville

Polo black scented, eyes squinted

Air Force One's, with my own patent in it

Fresher than a star, glowing up in the galaxy

Pagan holidays, are way far from my reality

Far through Evisu jeans, lethal green

Oliver peoples shades when I creep through Queens

With no AKs, I'm the ambassador

Robin Hood in the Aston Mart.

Lotta blood gonna splash in war

Task force homicide, federalies gonna arrest

But y'all ain't never seen nothing

whether - se
where - dove
traffic - traffico
taste - gusto
table - tavolo
swiftness - sveltezza
street - strada
stand - stare in piedi
sprayed - spruzzato
specifically - specificamente
smooth - liscio
smoke - fumo
slaves - schiavi
sipping - sorseggiando
speech - discorso
scented - profumato
royce - royce
rolls - rotoli
robin - pettirosso
question - domanda
pusher - pusher
proof - prova
printing - stampa
presidents - presidenti
wanna - voglio
plasma - plasma
phantom - fantasma
smash - distruggere
dollar - dollaro
maybach - Maybach
sickest - sickest
dance - danza
shades - occhiali da sole
criteria - criteri
sparking - scintillamento
queens - regine
could - poteva
close - vicino
squinted - strizzò gli occhi
circle - cerchio
brainiac - brainiac
dollars - dollari
green - verde
cigars - sigari
glowing - raggiante
chrome - cromo
dangerous - pericoloso
chick - pulcino
patrick - patrick
dumbs - dumbs
fresher - matricola
channel - canale
changed - cambiato
wrapped - avvolto
homicide - omicidio
change - modificare
chances - possibilità
etiquette - etichetta
creep - strisciamento
dimes - dimes
conglomerate - conglomerato
betcha - betcha
flashing - lampeggiante
ancestors - antenati
about - di
message - messaggio
trick - trucco
aaron - aaron
blood - sangue
chorus - coro
ambassador - ambasciatore
diamonds - quadri
setting - ambientazione
bring - portare
skull - cranio
elbows - gomiti
brains - mente
diversified - variegato
devil - diavolo
arrest - arresto
million - milione
regular - regolare
bitch - cagna
bumping - urtando
silencing - silenziamento
bridge - ponte
busting - busting
bench - panchina
ladies - le signore
chains - catene
floor - pavimento
black - nero
force - vigore
guitar - chitarra
froze - congelato
first - primo
funds - fondi
poltergeist - poltergeist
groom - sposo
splash - spruzzo

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