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Nico Santos – Walk In Your Shoes testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Walk In Your Shoes - Nico Santos

parole da studiare

You taught me these chords I thought I'd never learn

We were only fifteen, but we grew fast in the dirt

You were the life of the party and a friend wouldn't hurt

They say "Flames die quicker, the brighter they burn"

And now I think about who we both become

I've done some growin' up while you're forever young

Your parents gave me offense when you were gone

They showed me where to turn when I come undone

I wish you could hear me and maybe you do

I want you to know that I still walk in your shoes

Though I'm moving on now, you're still by my side

And we'll be 'round trippin' every step of my life

I still walk in your shoes

Yeah, I still walk in your shoes