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Pentatonix – Go Tell It On The Mountain testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Go Tell It On The Mountain - Pentatonix

parole da studiare

While shepherds kept their watching

Over silent flocks by night,

Behold throughout the heavens,

There shone a holy light:

The shepherds feared and trembled

When lo! above the earth

Rang out the angel chorus

That hailed our Saviour's birth:

Go, Tell It On The Mountain,

Over the hills and everywhere;

Go, Tell It On The Mountain

That Jesus Christ is born.

Go, Tell It On The Mountain,

Over the hills and everywhere;

Go, Tell It On The Mountain

That Jesus Christ is born.

Go, Tell It On The Mountain,

Is born!

Go, Tell It On The Mountain,

Is born now!

Go, Tell It On The Mountain,

Is born!

Go, Tell It,

Go, Tell It

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