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Ratt – All or nothing testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

All or nothing - Ratt

parole da studiare

"Take it or leave it"

It's a sign of the times

IF there's something I can take

I'm gonna make you mine

And if you think I'm kiddin'

Baby don't turn your back

I'll be comin' on you

Quicker than a heart attack

I've had to crawl, lie

I would've killed for a meal

I've had to beg, borrow and steal

I was beat, and had to cheat

Sold my ass on the street

But baby now I'm back, on my feet

All or nothing, get outta my way

Give me what I want or get outta my face

I want it all or nothing, I want it today

Give me what I need or I'll blow you away