We're taking the gain of the fairwinds

"Fortuna" right on our side

We take the waves of our destiny

To escape just every plight

Howling winds are calling right from eternity

A promise to be hold - the longing to be free

Soldiers of fortune daring the seven seas of fate

Any risky venture's daily in our trade

Soldiers of fortune travel the winds of space and time

And the timing should be right when we're about to die

We're sliding into the fogbank

Hiding there waiting our terms

travel - viaggio
trade - commercio
there - là
terms - condizioni
space - spazio
waiting - in attesa
sliding - scorrevole
seven - sette
routine - routine
taking - presa
risky - rischioso
determine - determinare
unknown - sconosciuto
piracy - pirateria
fortune - fortuna
shores - sponde
about - di
entangled - impigliato
daily - quotidiano
right - destra
calling - chiamata
destiny - destino
promise - promettere
daring - audace
eternity - eternità
should - dovrebbero
every - dejte pozor
soldiers - soldati
howling - ululato
waves - onde
drifting - alla deriva
independence - indipendenza
learn - imparare
winds - venti
escape - fuga
longing - brama
timing - sincronizzazione
hiding - bastonatura
plight - situazione critica
riffs - riff

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