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Stevie Wonder – My Eyes Don´t Cry testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

My Eyes Don´t Cry - Stevie Wonder

parole da studiare

I was a lonely no one

Living in a vacuum as life's debris

Victimized as one whose self deprivation

Had made for my outer insecurity

I was a he ain't nothin'

Living in the slums of love's misery

Starving from the lack of sweet affection

'Til you came to rescue me

My eyes don't cry no more

My heart don't ache no more

Since you walk through my door

I don't have to no longer be blue

My eyes don't cry no more

My heart don't ache no more

Now that love's touched my soul

All my lonely nights alone are through

I was a Mr. Lonely

Seeing only darkness in the bright of day

Blind even though my eyes were wide opened

But then your love sunshined my way

My eyes don't cry no more