You help me survive, you're the reason I'm alive
Speak softly, cyanide
Passed from your mouth into mine
Your breathing sounds like the sickest music Playing backwards in my head
Contagions, so hellatious
You can't find the words so you scream instead
This lifeless ordinary
My righteous unsuspecting
I have a secret- you are a dichotomy
What won't kill me - makes me
What won't love me - hates me
whole - totale
survive - sopravvivere
unsuspecting - ignaro
supposed - ipotetico
speak - parlare
sickest - sickest
secret - segreto
scream - urlare
symmetry - simmetria
righteous - giusto
swear - giurare
reason - ragionare
words - parole
playing - giocando
against - contro
cyanide - cianuro
could - poteva
contracted - contratto
sounds - suoni
broken - rotto
makes - fa
breathing - respirazione
dichotomy - dicotomia
inside - dentro
alive - vivo
backwards - indietro
hates - odia
heart - cuore
fucking - cazzo
instead - anziché
senseless - insensato
poetry - poesia
passed - passato
laying - posa
ordinary - ordinario
softly - dolcemente
petrified - impietrito
lifeless - senza vita
mouth - bocca
frustrated - frustrato
music - musica
naked - nudo
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