When I was young my father taught me not to gloat
If I came home too proud of myself I get wrestled to the floor and choked
But I forgive him for that
He was an eighth grade drop out and I was being a brat
I forgive him, I do
I know that he loves me and he knows I love him too
When I was young my father told me, to each his own
The lady said as she kissed the cow
Some like the fiddle, some like the trombone
And I live by that rule
Your trip is your trip and my trip is my trip too
Yeah, I'll mind my own business
I'll have an O'Douls and my friend here will have a Guinness
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
I love my dad
Your kid goes to the private Berkeley school with one black kid
My kid goes to the public school, came home with cracked ribs
And when my kid's eighteen
He'll be out there like I was and probably chasing his dreams
And when your kid's twenty-two
young - giovane
wrestling - lotta
twenty - venti
wrestled - lottato
tyson - tyson
trombone - trombone
while - mentre
those - quelli
teacher - insegnante
still - ancora
watch - orologio
something - qualcosa
sears - sears
taught - insegnato
ricky - ricky
quicker - più veloce
trying - provare
punches - punzoni
proud - orgoglioso
probably - probabilmente
practice - pratica
perfect - perfezionare
patience - pazienza
night - notte
myself - me stessa
matches - fiammiferi
respect - rispetto
lessons - lezioni
winter - inverno
learned - imparato
kissed - baciata
saint - santo
crying - pianto
cause - causa
there - là
short - corto
shoot - sparare
school - scuola
cracked - screpolato
learn - imparare
equally - ugualmente
people - persone
brown - marrone
brought - portato
could - poteva
gossip - pettegolezzo
anywhere - dovunque
album - album
business - attività commerciale
guitar - chitarra
choked - soffocato
basement - seminterrato
after - dopo
beauty - bellezza
cline - cline
black - nero
moved - mosso
going - andando
spain - Spagna
berkeley - berkeley
being - essere
friend - amico
different - diverso
played - giocato
fiddle - violino
dinner - cena
kindergarten - asilo
ditches - fossati
private - privato
dreams - sogni
edgar - edgar
eighteen - diciotto
albino - albino
eighth - ottavo
loves - ama
father - padre
neighbour - vicino
flick - colpo di frusta
knows - conosce
floor - pavimento
public - pubblico
pretty - bella
grade - grado
forgive - perdonare
shoulder - spalla
chasing - caccia
better - meglio
getting - ottenere
gloat - gongolare
gotta - devo
guinness - guinness
billy - manganello
handicapped - portatori di handicap
internship - tirocinio
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