Love for anyone who needs her

Innocence is all that feeds her

Rolling through the mist

Floating in a sea of madness

Reaching for the heights of gladness

Or did she exist?

Swirling ions from the stars

Streaming down onto the earth

From a galaxy like ours

Manifested in her birth

Child of the Universe

Giving freely of herself

untouched - intatto
universe - universo
understanding - comprensione
through - attraverso
swirling - vorticoso
walking - a passeggio
rolling - rotolamento
rehearse - provare
reaching - raggiungendo
purity - purezza
place - posto
needs - esigenze
undemanding - poco impegnativo
streaming - streaming
manifested - manifestato
earth - terra
stars - stelle
cosmic - cosmico
knowing - sapendo
floating - galleggiante
galaxy - galassia
vision - visione
grace - grazia
could - poteva
gaily - allegramente
madness - follia
anyone - chiunque
gladness - contentezza
truth - verità
patience - pazienza
birth - nascita
herself - se stessa
child - bambino
feeds - feed
giving - dando
begun - iniziato
freely - liberamente
heights - altezze
exist - esistere
innocence - innocenza
leaving - in partenza

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