Lay down your weary tune, lay down
Lay down the song you strum
And rest yourself beneath the strength of strings
No voice can hope to hum
Sruck by the sounds before the sun
I knew the night had gone
The morning breeze like a bugle blew
Against the drums of dawn
Lay down your weary tune, lay down
Lay down the song you strum
And rest yourself beneath the strength of strings
weary - stanco
waves - onde
strum - strimpellare
strands - filoni
clung - clung
yourself - te stesso
breeze - brezza
strings - stringhe
banjo - bangio
branches - rami
rocks - rocce
listened - ascoltato
strength - forza
night - notte
breast - seno
winds - venti
trees - alberi
against - contro
ocean - oceano
beneath - sotto
sounds - suoni
before - prima
cymbals - piatti
drums - batteria
played - giocato
voice - voce
leaves - le foglie
clashed - scontrati
sands - sabbie
morning - mattina
bugle - tromba
organ - organo
seaweed - alga marina
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