I slept and I dreamed of a time long ago

I saw an army of rebels, dancing on air

I dreamed as I slept, I could see the campfires,

A song of the battle, that was born in the flames,

and the rebels were waltzing on air.

I danced with a girl to the tune of a waltz

that was written to be danced on the battlefield

I danced to the tune of a voice of a girl

A voice that called "Stand till we fall

we stand till all the boys fall."

waltzing - waltzing
swept - spazzato
smoke - fumo
there - là
seemed - sembrava
soldiers - soldati
rifle - fucile
rhythm - ritmo
sighing - sospiri
rebels - ribelli
waltz - valzer
tricks - trucchi
through - attraverso
rebel - ribelle
played - giocato
hopes - speranze
cloud - nube
campfires - fuochi
child - bambino
called - chiamato
cried - gridò
slept - dormito
front - davanti
coming - venuta
could - poteva
armies - eserciti
battle - battaglia
battlefield - campo di battaglia
trees - alberi
field - campo
flames - fiamme
voice - voce
began - iniziato
dreamed - sognato
crossed - attraversato
dancing - danza
written - scritto
danced - danzato
stand - stare in piedi
dying - sta morendo
earth - terra
glade - radura
heart - cuore

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