All the cities in the world
And so very little time and
So many different girls...
All you have to do is find them.
There’s a wealth of opportunity you make your plans accordingly.
A pity but the pretty ones are usually more touristy.
Say, how'd you like to run away from these machines?
Everywhere the spies are printing out your dreams.
Seven stops in seven different countries, seven page itineraries
Memories thick as bloody marys, jesus, jospeh, bloody hell!
Right now we’re here in Boston
In love with downtown crossing
New York will still be there in the morning
Come back to bed my darling
I had Julian and Steve,
You had Julia and Jeanette.
You wear your terror on your sleeve
For all the men I haven't met… yet.
I had Oliver in Potsdam you had Eleanor in Amsterdam
We’re keeping score so carefully we've missed the state we're in completely
worry - preoccupazione
world - mondo
where - dove
touristy - turistico
these - queste
there - là
totally - totalmente
terror - terrore
stops - fermate
still - ancora
spies - spie
someone - qualcuno
thick - denso
sleeve - manica
scores - punteggi
pretty - bella
seven - sette
plans - piani
pants - pantaloni
opportunity - opportunità
oliver - oliver
really - veramente
microwave - microonde
maybe - può essere
wealth - ricchezza
morning - mattina
matter - importa
marys - marys
offers - offerte
loved - amato
london - Londra
lived - ha vissuto
letter - lettera
pulled - tirato
labrador - labrador
right - destra
crossing - attraversamento
missed - perse
bloody - sanguinoso
about - di
south - sud
couple - coppia
completely - completamente
countries - paesi
choose - scegliere
cities - città
tomorrow - domani
better - meglio
darling - tesoro
erase - cancellare
anyway - comunque
details - Dettagli
planted - piantato
berlin - Berlino
accordingly - di conseguenza
admit - ammettere
jesus - Gesù
friends - amici
boston - Boston
apartment - appartamento
different - diverso
state - stato
amsterdam - amsterdam
carefully - accuratamente
score - punto
assumption - assunzione
machines - macchine
almost - quasi
downtown - centro
because - perché
everything - qualunque cosa
usually - generalmente
little - piccolo
dreams - sogni
nothing - niente
eleanor - eleanor
memories - ricordi
elsewhere - altrove
steve - steve
embarrassing - imbarazzante
everywhere - ovunque
house - casa
girls - ragazze
honestly - onestamente
printing - stampa
happy - contento
forget - dimenticare
jokes - scherzi
firmly - fermamente
count - contare
itineraries - itinerari
keeping - conservazione
julia - julia
julian - giuliano
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