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The Pussycat Dolls – Magic testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Magic - The Pussycat Dolls

parole da studiare

Pick a card, any card that's what he told me

I took it to rodeo and it worked like magic for me

Ppa massage a lap of the lux

His' and her's flying spurs automatical rush

I'm charming, don't charm I'm on a chain

Don't hate me hate the game

I can wave my wand and like that

Now we all alone

Just like that your mine

Like magic, magic, magic

With just one blink of an eye

Like magic, magic, magic

I know I caught you by surprise

Like magic, magic, magic

Won't be the same outfit tonite

Like magic, magic, magic

Like Magic

Na na na na na-na

Now you see, now you don't

I got this trick to show ya

Disappear when he act upon ya

For you know ill be alright up on ya

Juicy coutures and night at the bars

Turning back

Valet lift up the door

I'm charming, don't charm I'm on a chain

Don't hate me hate the game

I can wave my wand and like that