What's my problem?

Well, I want you to follow me down to the bottom

Underneath the insane asylum

Keep your wits about you while you got 'em

'Cause your wits are first to go while you're problem-solving

And my problem?

We glorify those, even more, when they

My opinion

Our culture can treat a loss

Like it's a win and right before we turn on them

We give them the highest of praise, and hang their banner from a ceiling

Communicating, further engraving

An earlier grave is an optional way


Neon gravestones try to call

(Neon gravestones try to call)

Neon gravestones try to call for my bones

(Neon gravestones try to call)


(For my bones)

Call, call, call



What's my problem?

Don't get it twisted

It's with the people we praise who may have assisted

I could use the streams and extra conversations

I could give up, and boost up my reputation

I could go out with a bang

They would know my name

They would host and post a celebration

My opinion will not be lenient

My opinion, it's real convenient

Our words are loud, but now I'm talking action

We don't get enough love?

wrong - sbagliato
would - voluto
words - parole
twisted - contorto
treat - trattare
thinking - pensiero
while - mentre
those - quelli
their - loro
tempted - tentazione
succession - successione
spirit - spirito
should - dovrebbero
right - destra
resonate - risonare
promise - promettere
pleading - supplica
optional - opzionale
opinion - opinione
weapon - arma
mourn - piangere
could - poteva
aggression - aggressione
teach - insegnare
someone - qualcuno
asylum - asilo
conversations - conversazioni
dedicated - dedito
culture - cultura
assisted - assistito
engraving - incisione
action - azione
before - prima
discussion - discussione
convenient - conveniente
talking - parlando
stigma - stigma
about - di
praise - lode
people - persone
bottom - parte inferiore
follow - segui
underneath - sotto
refusing - rifiuto
celebrated - celebre
communicating - comunicare
respects - omaggio
reputation - reputazione
awareness - consapevolezza
beating - battito
disrespecting - Mancare di rispetto
scares - spaventa
bones - ossatura
earlier - prima
enough - abbastanza
behind - dietro a
further - ulteriore
solving - soluzione
myself - me stessa
lenient - indulgente
everything - qualunque cosa
streams - flussi
minds - menti
extra - extra
problem - problema
celebration - celebrazione
fairness - equità
banner - bandiera
first - primo
paved - pavimentata
longer - più a lungo
grandparents - nonni
grave - tomba
fraction - frazione
glorified - glorificato
ceiling - soffitto
glorify - glorificare
point - punto
mistake - sbaglio
gravestones - lapidi
highest - massimo
insane - folle
boost - spinta
maybe - può essere
lesson - lezione

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