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Yello – Bostich (Reflected) testo e traduzione (al clic) in italiano

Bostich (Reflected) - Yello

parole da studiare

Standing at the machine every day for all my life

I'm used to do it, and I need it

It's the only thing I want

It's just a rush, push, cash

Standing at the machine every day for all my life

I'm used to do it, and I need it

It's the only thing I want

It's just a rush, push, cash

Everybody needs somebody

Standing at the machine every day for all my life

I'm used to do it, and I need it

It's the only thing I want

It's just a rush, push, cash

Standing at the machine every day for all my life

I'm used to do it, and I need it

It's the only thing I want

It's just a rush, push, cash

Standing at the machine every day for all my life